In a friendly gesture towards Manmohan Singh, anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare has said he would present the prime minister a rose in case the government brings a strong Lokpal in Parliament over the next few days.
Speaking to journalists at Pune airport on Monday, after returning from Chennai, Hazare announced that he would also cancel his scheduled fast from December 27 in the event of a satisfactory Lokpal Bill presented by the government.
Earlier, Hazare had announced that he would embark on a 8-day fast from December 27 at the Ramlila grounds in New Delhi and had also given a call for “Jail Bharo” to the nation, from January 1, 2012, if the government failed to present a strong Lokpal Bill.“We are firm on our insistence that the Lokpal must have the Citizen’s Charter and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) should be free of government control. On minor issues we are ready for some compromise, but the above points must be there,”
Speaking to journalists at Pune airport on Monday, after returning from Chennai, Hazare announced that he would also cancel his scheduled fast from December 27 in the event of a satisfactory Lokpal Bill presented by the government.
Earlier, Hazare had announced that he would embark on a 8-day fast from December 27 at the Ramlila grounds in New Delhi and had also given a call for “Jail Bharo” to the nation, from January 1, 2012, if the government failed to present a strong Lokpal Bill.“We are firm on our insistence that the Lokpal must have the Citizen’s Charter and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) should be free of government control. On minor issues we are ready for some compromise, but the above points must be there,”